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Community Links

Links with the Community

St.Brigid’s BNS has established strong links within the local community. Over the past number of years we have delivered handmade Christmas cards to our neighbours and residents in the Little Sisters of the Poor Sacred Heart Residence as well as the Raheny House Nursing Home and St. Francis Hospice. We are regular visitors to Raheny Library and benefit from their many educational programmes and book readings.

We collaborate with local schools and creches including St.Paul’s secondary school to ensure the smooth transition of our pupils into Junior Infants and from 6th class into First Year. Our Fifth and Sixth classes have also had the pleasure and enjoyment of invitations to the St.Paul’s Transition Year dramas and musicals.

We are delighted to facilitate work experience for past pupils in Transition Year annually. The Student Council has worked with students from Transition year in St.Paul’s on a mural for our school yard.

During Seachtain na Gaeilge we have been lucky enough to be visited by our local Comhaltas branch, Craobh Seán Treacy who have treated us to a great selection of traditional Irish music tunes and dances. We hope they will continue to visit us for many years to come!

During the month of April we also take part in the National Spring Clean and take our litter pickers to the streets to do our part to keep our locality clean and tidy.

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St. Brigid’s B.N.S.

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Howth Road, Killester, Dublin 5, D05 A386  •  •  Telephone: 01-8336149

© 2024 St. Brigid’s Boys National School

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