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School Timetable

8.50am – 1.30pm - Infants

8.50am – 2.30pm - 1st – 6th classes

Break time: 10.45am -11.00am

Lunch time: 12.20pm -12.45pm

Procedure for Dropping/ Collecting Children

Boys from Junior Infants – 1st Class are dropped at the infant playground gate on Sybil Hill Road in the morning and boys from 2nd – 6th Class are dropped at the main gate on the Howth Road.


It is imperative that all children are punctual in the morning. The 20-minute time slot between 8.50am and 9.10am is a very important time in the school day. This is when the younger children have activity time and structured play.


The teacher should be informed in writing of any changes to the collection arrangements via a note or email to school/Aladdin. When sending emails to teacher, please put teacher’s name on ‘Subject’ line.


Absence from school - In accordance with the Welfare Act, parents should acknowledge their child’s absence from school through Aladdin or by note to the class teacher, stating the duration and reason.

Only in exceptional circumstances should it be necessary to telephone the school to explain an absence.The Act obliges schools to notify the Welfare Officer if any child misses 20 days or more in any given school year.


Leaving School Early - The teacher should be notified in advance if possible, should a child need to be collected early. If you need to collect your child during the school day, please do not do so during break times (10.45-11am and 12.20-12.45pm) as the children are in the playground at this time. A visitor’s book needs to be signed when collecting your son early (available from outside secretary’s office).

Your co-operation in this matter would be very much appreciated.


School/Home Communication - Dates of closures, holidays etc., and requests for parents to meet teachers, notice of meetings etc., are normally communicated through Aladdin to parents. In case of emergency, please ensure that we have a contact mobile number for you and an emergency contact name and number.


Please co-operate by writing a note to teacher to explain failure to complete homework assignments, late arrival etc. Absence may be clarified through Aladdin. 


Stay Safe Programme - The Stay Safe Programme is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools - both mainstream and ASD classes. Its overall objective is to prevent child abuse, bullying and other forms of victimisation.

The programme develops children's ability to recognise, resist and report risk situations or abusive encounters by teaching children...

•To identify for themselves unsafe or upsetting situations

•Simple rules to help them avoid abuse

•To respect and value the rights of others

•The language and skills they require to seek help.

The programme also informs parents and teachers about preventing bullying and child abuse, whilst seeking to create a greater public awareness about the problems children can and do experience.

A Parent’s Guide to the Stay Safe Programme is available on

Sick Children at School - Please do not send sick children to school for the following reasons:

Children are unable to cope with the demands of school when they are unwell.

Infection spreads rapidly in the confinement of the classroom.

Infection in School – The school should be informed when there is an outbreak of certain contagious infections. Your G.P. will be able to advise you in this regard.

You should also inform the class teacher of any medical condition


Administration of Medication - Non-prescription medication is not permitted in school. Under no circumstances should any medication be placed in a child’s schoolbag. The school does not consider requests to administer antibiotics, throat spray, etc.Children who have Asthma and need to use Inhalers/Ventilating Flasks should be able to self-administer under adult supervision in so far as this is possible. You need to make the class teacher aware of the condition. Inhalers should be labelled and handed to teacher. However, if your child suffers from a condition that necessitates regular administration of medicine during the school day or which may necessitate administration of emergency medication, you need to inform the Principal in writing by filling out an Administration of Medicine Form available from the Principal/Secretary and an arrangement may be made in consultation with the Board of Management.

Jewellery - Wearing jewellery poses a safety risk at school because of the active nature of the school day, so therefore jewellery is not permitted.

Hair Dye is not permitted.


Mobile Phones are not permitted in school by order of the Board of Management.

Pupils are not allowed to bring personal internet-enabled devices into St. Brigid's BNS. These devices include tablets, watches, gaming devices, digital music players and any future internet enabled technologies.


Parking – For safety reasons, only staff cars are allowed into the car park. The safest available parking for parents is in the Resource Centre beside Killester Church and there are pedestrian lights on the Howth Road. Parents, guardians and pupils are requested to use the pedestrian gate when entering and exiting the Resource Centre car park.The School Wardens will help you/your children cross the road safely on the Howth Road and Sybil Hill Road entrance.

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